If you would like to read about his character as described by the Forgotten Realms Wiki, then click here.
I'll expand upon him here, in my words, based on my knowledge of the sociopathic/psychopathic and sadistic traits he seems to exhibit (in addition to being packed full of psionic ability and extreme intelligence). I personally imagine Kimmuriel has what we as humans would coin as "savant" and or obsessive-compulsive personality disorder and asexuality attributes (to extremes), which is what makes him an "uncomfortable" and "un-nerving" creature for any drow and most other citizens of the realm dealing with him-a "bonus" quality that makes him a great choice for operating and maintaining Bregan D'earthe.
Kimmuriel has a strict adherence to routine in both the way he operates Bregan D'aerthe and the way he maintains himself and his composure. His domain, where ever it is that he disappears to, to find solace and "peace of mind" is a place known only to him. Visitors are not welcome there. Kimmuriel has unusual antics that many find disturbing and frightening and he uses his "eccentricities" to his advantage. Unlike his family members who found excitement and thrill in the game of Khaless, Kimmuriel's satisfaction comes in torturing others, but truly he finds his passion in pursuing all thngs intellectual in nature. That isn't to say he doesn't enjoy his current station in life. He does thrive in the power and influence that running Bregan D'aerthe has afforded him, but he really would rather disappear into his own studies.
"Little of what I say or does is ever opinion." Kimmuriel Oblodra
Because of this Kimmuriel has no real identity and is an extremely contradictory person. He is able to argue for and against any issue because he has no real opinion. He can be whomever he is pretending to be in any given moment. He is also extrememly anti-social, though Jarlaxle, is doing his best to "open him up" by placing him in unusual circumstances.
If the character he is portraying is a Lolth worshipper, then he is honestly a Lolth worshipper in that moment. Kimmuriel is by all means a highly intelligent sociopath/psychopath personality type, that being said, this makes him a person of little measure-personality wise, he is empty, cold, & cruel.
He has to constantly act, whether he likes to or not, because it's impossible to communicate with people when you have no likes or dislikes or any measurable quality. This is why, Kimmuriel often chooses to not speak or react in anyway. Sometimes it is just easier to be the quiet observer than have to constantly mould himself to a situation or an individual...another reason he finds operating Bregan D'earthe a nuisance.
He aspires to become the most power psion in all the realms and beyond. Kimmuriel is secretly working on evolving himself into a being that does not need an existence in the material world. He loves experimenting on illithids and other creatures of "intelligence". Left to his own devices he appears as a mad scientist would to onlookers, ritualistically methodic in his actions. Constantly organizing and reorganizing his personal space and his experiments. Labeling his environment, experiments, and subjects in a precise manner. He becomes compulsive and obsessed with what he is drawn to in any given moment, and quickly disgardes anything he loses interest in- (a typical character trait in the human sociopath and most likely taken to an extreme within the Drow personification, baring in mind that most drow exhibit sociopath tendencies).
Like most drow, he holds an uncanny ability for glibness and superficial charm. He doesn't care to recognize the rights of others and sees his self-serving behaviors as completely permissible. He manipulates others into believing he is charming, while he is covertly hostile and domineering (though all of these things are common drow traits, he takes them to the extreme). He sees his victims as merely an ...instrument to be used (insert the pathetic Raiguy and many others).
The end always justifies the means and he will not let anything stand in his way. His emotions run shallow, when he shows what seems to be "genuine" warmth, joy, love or compassion it is more feigned than experienced and always serves an ulterior motive. He is highly intelligent and calculated, and always calm and in control of himself and the situations he finds himself in.
This control is an ability that is strengthened by his drow heritage, as human sociopaths often suffer mental breaks and fits of rage when pushed to an extreme or placed in situations of high stress and anxiety. I am sure even Kimmuriel has a breaking point but that hasn't been tested yet. This compacity for control is what makes Kimmuriel EXTREMELY deadly especially when coupled with his psionic abilities.
He finds dominating and humiliating his victims satiates part of his need for mental stimulation. He is arrogant, xenophobic, selfish, misogynistic (taking pride in turning powerful drow females into pathetic milquetoasts). Given the horrific abuse he suffered through as a child at the hands of his sisters and mother and those illithids who were employed within his house, he finds a great satisfaction in dominating over drow women and women in general, as well as illithids.
He does not let anyone close to him-he has an incapacity for love-the mere fact of the matter is, love involves non-verbal reactions--synaptic (chemical) connections within our brains...meaning all feelings and emotions are chemical-making them controllable. Kimmuriel is in constant control.
He will use pseudo sexual relationships to obtain a certain goal but due to his high level intelligence, his arrogance, his anti-social behavior, and his background of abuse, I mostly see him as an asexual being prefering not to let ANYONE get close to him or touch him.
Though, I do believe Kimmuriel is capable of his own version of affection (most sociopaths are in a rather "non-traditional way"). The difference, is his affection is more logical. There is a definite delineation from those he dislikes and those he likes. Everyone around him is ranked based on usefulness, threat level and various other factors. As soon as someone's threat level usurps their usefulness level he will dispose of them without fail. Kimmuriel understands that it is irrational to continually attach yourself to someone who continues to prove themselves distasteful.
Love is not something he can experience, but it is a tool he wouldn't think twice about using on occasion to get something he wanted. He does like people/things that do what he wants them to do. His affection is conditional, it is logical and it is not a warm and fuzzy feeling. It's more like an acceptance that is a benefit and should for the time being, remain taken care of. Even this though, is a rare occurrence.
He considers Jarlaxle the closest thing to a friend he has but beyond that, instead of friends he has victims and accomplices who end up as victims. His friendship with Jarlaxle is based impart on the fact he is far too powerful and intelligent for Kimmuriel to challenge and for this Jarlaxle has earned his deepest respect. Besides, their friendship is mutually beneficial-there is no need to challenge that. Jarlaxle is also the one who "saved".
He shows a complete lack of shame, remorse, or guilt, most likely due to a deep seated rage at his core (which is split off and repressed) caused impart by the severe abuse and ill-treatment he received as a child growing up in the Oblodra household. This, no doubt, has played a pivotal role in how he sees others around him as targets and opportunities.
He has also developed a certain callousness or lack of empathy, if you will. He is unable to empathize with the pain of his victims-having only contempt for others' feelings of distress and readily taking advantage of them.
*i could go on and on....*
Kimmuriel's Realm |